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The best event in Bulgaria for business ideas and networking. Meet the perfect employer, or if that's you, find your dream job here


What is
Start Young?

"Start Young" is an event of "Bulgarian Entrepreneur" magazine and "Start Young" Foundation, which transforms the lives of young people!

It's a unique journey from casting to final, filled with innovation, education and exciting challenges.

Guided by inspiring mentors, participants develop real startups, create value and learn lessons that transform the future or intern at established companies and fight for a permanent employment contract.

Here, everyone has the chance to connect with like-minded people, discuss ideas with business leaders and get feedback, as well as find their dream job.

Participation is completely free for young people, and our mission is to inspire, educate and promote the next generation of enterprising Bulgarians. Together we can turn dreams into reality, harness the power of community and create real change



How does one go
an event?

19:00 BEGINNING of castings


The young people will present their startup idea for 40 seconds and will have the opportunity to contact a mentor from the business, with whom they can develop a business plan and present the ready-made opportunity to a jury and investors who will support the idea. HALL LOOKING FOR A JOB:

Young people will present themselves within 40 seconds and will have the opportunity to be hired on an internship, and after that on a permanent employment contract.

21:00 END

За участници

The world of business awaits you
become a part of it now


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Conditions for participation

The form allows for 3 types of participation:


1. Participant - the participant must be 16 years old and have an idea for an activity that has not yet been marketed OR want to find a job. All legally permitted and morally sound ideas are admissible in the form. Following the idea of a realistic environment, Start Young admits participants from other age groups as well. In this way, we provide a real sense of a competitive environment that tempers the will and makes the participants more resilient. Registration of participants is active until 120 minutes before the start of the format in the respective city.


2. Guest - anyone can be a guest at the event after registration. If desired, guests can join the teams, virtual or live, that will develop the ideas within the format. Guest registration is active at all times before and during the event.


3. Partner - A business company or organization can be a partner of the event. It is the partners of the event who broadcast the mentors and the jury of the format in the different cities. Partner registration is active no later than 24 hours before the start of the event.



Who was the jury for the last 3 years?

Plamen Popov - organizer and managing partner in the magazine "Bulgarian Entrepreneur" Asparuh Asparuhov - regional manager of DJIA Ruse and founder of the company Max & Florèe Associate Professor Daniel Pavlov - Ruse University "Angel Kanchev"

Galin Dimitrov - creator of East Accelerator and regional representative of BASE for Bulgaria Ivan Tabakov - executive director of the Varna Chamber of Commerce and Industry Evgeni Dragiev - managing partner Clean water

Ivan Gavrilov - Municipal Councilor, Burgas Municipality and Chairman of the Commission FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES IN THE TERRITORY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BURGAS, Lyubomir Slavov - Managing Partner at Partnersconsulting Ltd. Ch. assistant professor Dr. Zhanina Dubarova from the National Academy of Arts - Burgas branch Prof. Dr. Sotir Sotirov - deputy Rector University "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov" Prof. Dr. Milen Baltov - Deputy. BSU Rector Bilyana Zhitarova - Executive Director of the EKIP Foundation

Polina Toskova - General Manager of MyPOSS Bulgaria Dimitar Dimitrov - managing owner of Stefan Stavrev - managing owner of Trisoft


Кои бяха менторите?


Галин Димитров - създател на East Accelerator и регионален представител на BASE за България

Чави Вияреал - специалист по международна търговия, собственик на BCA, директор в BNI Multinacional - ПОБЕДИТЕЛ

Десислава Господинова - ПР Община Русе

Елина Янева - собственик на studio ONE

Сияна Младенова - собственик на Smarty Universe, създател на конференция за неформално образование в България.

Виолета Желева - собственик на ВАКАНЦИЯ М и създател на конференция за неформално образование в България.

Светослав Романов - търговски директор в Clean water - ПОБЕДИТЕЛ

Борислава Киркова - Регионален директор на Алфа Груп България, част от The Alpha Group International, съсобственик и партньор „Маркетинг и ключови клиенти“ в

Павел Павлов - специалист финанси и търговия - ПОБЕДИТЕЛ

Мария Георгиева - създава фирма, за кредитни консултации и посредничество CreditLand. Зам. Председател на Асоциацията на кредитните посредници в България (АКПБ)

Явор Въртинков - основател на 1ГАЗ. Оперативен директор на WISE България.

Мирослав Ангелов - управител на счетоводната кантора - MKAFinance Здравка Горначка - съосновател на Кулинг Пауър Сълюшънс

Кристина Кирилова - регионален мениджър за Swiss Education Group за България

Мария Цветкова - съосновател на Gene Keys Bulgaria

Емил Йонидов - генерален мениджър на Uni State Broker

Стефан Савов - собственик на EURO STEP Ltd.


Reviews of Start Young

Human Human

Company Ltd

"My participation as a mentor in the 'Start Young' event was an extremely inspiring and enriching experience. Seeing so many young and ambitious entrepreneurs ready to present their innovative ideas reminded me why I got into entrepreneurship. Working with these enthusiasts and sharing of my experience and knowledge with them has been extremely satisfying. I believe Start Young plays a critical role in developing future business leaders."

Human Human

Participant with a business idea: Idea Idea

"My attendance at Start Young was an amazing journey from start to finish. I received valuable advice from mentors who truly understand how to navigate the challenges of starting a business. The networking opportunities were invaluable as I met many like-minded people interests and visions. The awards and recognition were just a bonus to all the knowledge and experience I gained. 'Start Young' definitely changed the way I see entrepreneurship and motivated me to continue developing my idea."

Human Human

Company Ltd

"As a Start Young mentor, I was amazed by the creativity and passion the participants showed throughout the process. This event not only provides an opportunity for young entrepreneurs to meet and learn from each other, but also offers them a platform to build of lasting connections with mentors and investors. One of the most rewarding aspects was seeing the teams progress from idea to prototype development. 'Start Young' is definitely a launch pad for many promising future entrepreneurs."

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