If you want to learn:
How to Win the War for Talent?
How not to lose the Stars in my Business
If inflation is 30%, how can I keep my people without raising wages?
Why don't the trainings work?
85% of companies lose money in the same way, who is it?
How to sell without selling?
How much does it cost to buy a sale?
Sales psychology?
Sell or be sold! How to keep the number of sales stable?
How much is my Team worth today?
Save the date 07.12.2022 in Stara Zagora - Hotel Vereya, hall 2
See how 👇
Бойко Проданов
Partner and manager of ActionCoach Bulgaria. For the past 17 years he has worked and consulted businesses from various sectors and succeeded in his work with them in helping them forget: How it won't work and focus on developing their strengths.
As a Sales Manager and Business Coach, the teams he led, and subsequently consulted, managed to gain over £1,000,000 more turnover compared to previous years from additional sales.
He currently consults businesses and is one of the owners and representative for Bulgaria of a business model that has been successful for more than 27 years in over 83 countries and over 15,000 different companies.
In 13 years of experience as a Human Resources Manager, he has previously conducted over 2,000 interviews and trained over 5,000 salespeople and managers.
The teams and companies in which he works and/or consults compete with businesses funded by Google, Amazon and Facebook.
Flamen P. Popov
Пламен Попов е съосновател и изпълнителен директор на списание "Български предприемач" BEM.BG с награда за медия на годината от "Награди за мода, стил и шоу бизнес" 2021 г.
Създател и на националната социално-образователна кампания "Аз събуждам България" в партньорство с Министерството на Труда и Социалната политика 2017 г. Учредител и член на Управителния Съвет на Фондация "Започни Млад" и управляващ собственик на технологичната компания SmartCards.
Автор на бизнес наръчниците "Предприемачът", "Победителят", "Преговаряй с Мен" и ко-автор в "Как да стартираш бизнес без собствен капитал".
Лектор по продажби, преговори и комуникационни умения в над 300 събития в България и Англия посетени от повече от 25000 участника.
Rositsa Raykova is from Stara Zagora and currently works as the head of the "Investments" department in the Municipality of Stara Zagora. She worked for more than 10 years in the Ministry of Finance and held the position of Head of the Department "Strategies and Programs for Economic Growth". For the past 2 years, he has been involved in attracting foreign investments in the Stara Zagora region, actively promoting business opportunities in the city, organizing various events and striving to support companies that want to develop in Stara Zagora.
Business networking and welcome drink
Discovery by
Stara Zagora Municipality.
Workshop with
Flamen P. Popov
Как да продаваме без да продаваме?
Колко струва да си купиш една продажба?
Психология на продажбите?
Продай или ще бъдеш продаден! Как да задържим броя продажби стабилен?
Обсъждане на казуси от участниците.
Training with Boyko Prodanov
How to Win the War for Talent?
How not to lose the Stars in my Business
If inflation is 30%, how do I keep my people without raising wages?
Why don't the trainings work?
How much is my Team worth today?
85% of companies lose money in the same way, who is it?
and Q&A
Advance Academy
The first in the series of sales skills training "Academy for Money" of Advance Academy has been successfully completed.
The results are more than good, we look forward to the second edition very soon. We thank the super lecturer Boyko Prodanov, who gave his all!
Първа инвестиционна банка АД
With this reference, we would like to express our excellent impressions of our joint work with Plamen Popov, who distinguished himself as an outstanding professional and trainer in the field of sales and business development. For us, he conducted trainings with a practical orientation and applicability for the business ladies, clients of the bank under the Smart lady program throughout Bulgaria. We recommend his trainings to any company that wants to increase their sales and strengthen the relationship with their customers.
Nadia Koshinska
Director of the SME Banking Directorate
and Member of Fibank's Board of Directors
New Home 1
Nov Dom 1 thanks "Popov Group" for the wonderful and valuable two-day training that they conducted on the subject of Sales and negotiations by telephone. The details we added in the style of communication already bring extraordinary results, and hence even more serious financial achievements. We recommend this training to any company that wants to increase their sales.
Yordan Yordanov